Friday, September 30, 2011

We DON'T Own A Home!

Seven years and one month ago, Tim and I started our lives over together: as newlyweds in a new house (and me with a new job). Today, we closed on the sale of that same house, and we're essentially starting our lives over again: in a new state, with an awesome son (and a new job — with a recent promotion — for Tim).

It's a little bittersweet. We have so many lovely memories in that home... me babysitting the previous owners' kids while they still lived there, two graduations for Tim, dinners with friends, Nigel's first steps, Nigel's first words. But considering it had been on the market for more than a year, we'd said goodbye to it a long time ago. We are just so happy to have that monkey off our back. Who would have thought we'd be more excited about selling a house than we were about buying one?! We've got some recovering to do, but things could be a lot worse. A huge thanks to our awesome Realtor and friend, Anne Soffee. Anne made a lot of personal sacrifices for us this past year, and we're very grateful. And thanks also go out to everyone who checked in on our house, mowed the lawn, brought in the mail, etc., especially my mom and brothers. Another chapter begins!

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