Thursday, September 8, 2011

Preschool: The Aftermath

Nigel wrapped up his first full week of school today. He had a blast playing outside, learning kids' names, going to creative movement class and eating lunch. He's even been invited to his first preschool birthday party. (There are two kids on the invite, and they have different last names. Good friends having a duel party?)

Unfortunately, there are already three downsides to preschool: 1) He came down with a runny nose over the weekend. It isn't responding to allergy meds, so looks like a cold. To be expected, I guess, since his exposure to germs has been minimal thus far. 2) He's started saying here and there with a slight Boston accent — hearyar. I'm guessing there's a kid in his class who talks like that. Not a biggie, but for some reason it's really grating on my nerves. 3) The biggest issue, though, is after school he's a cranky old man! On Tuesday, his first full day, I could tell he was tired, but since it was kind of late — 2 p.m. — and he hasn't been napping consistently anyway, we just watched some TV, played outside and chilled. On Wednesday, I made him nap. Despite his protests that he wasn't tired, he was out like a light in less than 5 minutes. I didn't want him to be awake all night, though, so I woke him up after an hour. He was grumpier than an angry drunk. Today we went to the grocery store immediately after school to buy supplies for Friday's cookie project. When we got to the cashier, he went bonkers. I'm talking an all-out scream, like he was being murdered. As the afternoon rolls on — with or without the short nap — he starts getting a little delirious and talking nonsense.

So I kind of feel damned if I do, damned if I don't, in regard to nap. I'm hoping he'll get used to the schedule and we can have pleasant afternoons again. Anyone have any suggestions for making this transition easier?

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