Saturday, April 2, 2011

FW vs. RVA: Library

I whined here a bit about our local library's lack of a toddler story time. That was a hasty judgment on my part. The format for the all-ages story time is different from what we're used to, but we've all really grown to love our new library. The librarian is super nice. She reads 3 books each week, leads the kids in several songs with movement and provides a craft.

And I'm finding that the library has a much larger selection of books than our RVA library. The children's section has bins of board books and some toys that keep Nigel busy while I look for books for him. In RVA, there were puzzles, but they were at the opposite end of the kids' section, so I would usually grab 4-5 books from the self super fast and run back to Nigel. Oftentimes, that method netted us books that really weren't appropriate for Nigel. Now, I can take my time and look through the books while I keep an eye on Nigel.

There's also a distinct section for holiday books and two others for books in Spanish and Korean. The FW library system also has e-books that can be "checked out" for 3 weeks on an e-reader. Oh, and Nigel's totally smitten with the checkout ladies: They gush over him and give him a sucker every week. Some of Nigel's recent favorite books are: Trade-in Mother (chosen because Nigel and I had a rough morning), A Wild Cowboy (Nigel's still in love with cowboys and this book has a bonus: A multiracial family) and My Big Book of Spanish Words.

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