Sometimes we're totally amazed by what comes out of Nigel's mouth. He's always listening and learning... taking in the world. He's crazy smart. But sometimes what comes out of his mouth is just too darn funny not to pass along. Here are just a few things he's said this week:
"I want to stand on the fat thing." — Said to Tim while pointing at the bathroom scale
"I hurt you in the nose because my head is so big." — Said to Tim after he nearly broke Tim's nose with his head
ME: 8675309
NIGEL: What is that song you're singing? Is it from Yo Gabba Gabba?
ME: No. It's a big person song — from the soundtrack of my life.
NIGEL: Like "This American Life?"
ME: No. But I'm starting to think you listen to too much NPR.
NIGEL (clutching a book about a chicken to his chest): I have a baby in my belly.
ME: Oh, really? Like Miss Catie had a baby in her belly?
NIGEL: Yeah, it's crawling around.
ME: What kind of baby is it (thinking it'd be a chicken)?
NIGEL: It's baby Nora (my RVA friend's now 1-year-old).
ME: Nigel, I love that you're such a good eater. It makes mommy's heart so happy that you eat so many different kinds of foods.
NIGEL: Uh huh. And when I cry your heart cries.
This post is Moo approved.