Thursday, December 23, 2010

Calling All Potty Training Tips

As I said before, we're priming Nigel for Operation: Potty Training, which is set to begin on Christmas Day. Thanks to some dear friends, he already has a tiny potty (we gave it to him for his birthday last March, but quickly realized he wasn't ready). We made a big deal about buying the last pack of diaper ever at Target last week. Yesterday we bought a little seat to go on top of the regular toilet in his bathroom, along with some special foamy soap. He asked Santa for big boy underwear, and he seems to be excited about it. Plus, we've been reading potty books for close to a year now. Our new favorite from the library is Potty by Mylo Freeman.

I'm so ready to be done with diapers. I know our bank account is! And because Nigel is relatively tall and quite articulate for his age, I'm starting to notice some judgemental stares directed my way when we have to do a diaper change in public.

While we're feeling pretty confident that Nigel knows what's coming, I'm not sure we're ready. It's a huge battle, and it's also a lifestyle change. Anyone have any tips they'd like to share?

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