Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Move

We bought our RVA house in 2004, so we had accumulated a ton of stuff. We had a yard sale this summer to weed out things we didn't need, which helped. Tim packed a lot of stuff before he left for TX; Sarah's brothers and Tim's friend/Nigel's Uncle Joey helped pack, toss and organize the rest a few days before the movers came. Nigel was a real trooper considering most of his toys were packed away in the garage for the better part of two months (we had to de-clutter while the house was on the market)

Our totally awesome friend Debbie and one of her daughters had Nigel over to play the morning that the movers came, but he made it home in time to see the inside of the big truck.

The day before Nigel and I left for TX.

Have we told you lately that our house is still for sale? It's a great buy! Give Anne a call!

Flying with Nigel was a breeze. We had talked about what would happen — in extreme detail — for weeks. So, when we got to the TSA agents he knew he had to take his shoes off and walk through the "tunnel." Once we were on the plane, we ate the lunch I had packed. He asked me "are we flying?" and then went right on back to eating his sandwich. He woke up twice during his nap, but never once cried or screamed (other parents on the flight weren't so lucky). There weren't any TVs on this flight, but thankfully I had bought a portable DVD player the week before. He watched two short Thomas the Tank episodes (thanks, Rachel B!) and then we touched down. Because I was flying alone with Nigel, we opted for a direct flight. Obviously that's costly so we won't do it each time, but it was well worth it this time!

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