The day after Nigel and Sarah arrived in TX we all went to the stockyards together. Tim had been before to check it all out, so it was a great place to start. The stockyards are just outside of downtown Fort Worth. Here you'll find several blocks of restaurants, museums and shops. There's also a rodeo and the twice-daily cattle drive. It has the feel of a tourist trap, but it's still a must-do if you come visit us here in TX.
A pair of boots at Leddy's that probably cost
more than our mortgage, rent and car payment
combined. These folks are serious about their boots.
In case you're interested in the logistics of a drive. We'll have to visit the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame to learn more.
We're pretty certain these same cows are brought out each day for the show and aren't actually going to the slaughterhouse, but you still couldn't help but feel a bit sad for them. We're guessing even PETA doesn't mess with Texas.