It's been so long since I last posted that Blogger has updated its look. Yikes! We've been trucking along down here in Texas, folks. Spring is nearly behind us, and that's mind-blowing.
Nigel's doing really well at daycare/preschool. He has gymnastics and dance class, and he's wrapping up private swim lessons this week. I NEVER imagined myself as the kind of mom who'd enroll her kid in anything private, but when in Texas.... Nigel's writing his letters like a champ and learning so many new things every day. It's quite amazing. Last weekend he went to a friend's ice cream-themed birthday party. Check out the giant pinata!
This spring we had two guests: Uncle George and Uncle John. We had a blast with each one! Nigel showed Uncle John the science museum's traveling exhibit about all things gross (think: farts and burps); we took Uncle George to
Dinosaur Valley State Park, where we got to wade in a river with dino foot prints.
What we're looking forward to: A business trip to Laredo for Tim, a family trip to RVA in July, a new preschool for Nigel, our family anniversary, Nigel's first pro baseball game and Nigel's soccer debut!